July 1st we departed Duluth in the morning to drive up the North Shore Scenic Route. Unfortunately, the State Parks were all closed due to not agreeing on the State budget - bummer. However, that did not stop us as many of the very scenic waterfalls were right along the North

Shore route and we were able to pull over and do some hiking up the falls and then down to Lake Superior. The most impressive falls we saw were Temperance River Gorge Falls and the Cascade Falls.

We went all the way to Grand Portage, MN which is right before you cross over into Canada. Lake Superior was totally fogged in on the 1st and it was only around 49 - 52 degrees. Still a very scenic drive. We spent the night in Tofte, MN.

July 2nd was bright and clear with temperatures in the 80's, so different from the day before. Lake Superior was beautiful with clear blue waters. We went back to Temperance River and did some additional hiking on some of the cliffs a

s it leads into Lake Superior - very impressive. We also went to Gooseberry State Park as well as several others. Parks still closed but we were still able to access the falls (just went around a little fence, that is all). Gooseberry had 5 very impressive falls. Rusty and I just love waterfalls. The North Shore Scenic Drive (Rt 61) is well worth it and very scenic. They have lots of forests, cliffs and waterfalls along the way. From here we drove to Hudson, WI on Rt 35 where we spent the night.
July 3rd we were forced to go to The Mall of America. HUGE is the

only way to describe it. We spent several hours walking around the Mall in amazement. It even has an indoor amusement park. From here we traveled down Rt 61 in MN along the Mississippi River - we saw a lot of small town America along the way, very cool. Spent the night in Winona, MN right on the river.
July 4th we departed Winona after a short stop at Gavin Park Scenic Overlook - well worth it. Winona is a nice, old river town and the view of the valley and river was amazing. All the small towns along the river

were really cool - Red

wing, Hudson, Wabasha, Prairie du Chein - a lot of old buildings and churches; great parks. Drove to Bloomington, IL, most of the way along the Mississippi on the Great River Road. A lot of beautiful scenery with huge cliffs on both sides of the Mississippi. Stopped in Cabelas in Prairie du Chein along the way, because why not?
July 5th we departed Bloomington for home. It was a great trip, we saw some beautiful amazing scenery, but it was good to get back home. Not sure where we are headed next but I'll be sure to update our blog. Bye for now.